Thursday, August 7, 2008

Module 1 - ftp

Then download the file, look at it and answer the following question
"according to the readme file, '_______ MATTERS' - what word goes in the blank?"

Record your outcome and reflections of your experiences and thoughts on this task in your learning log

According to the read me file ‘Capitalization Matters’. This experience was a very frustrating one for a number of reasons. The computer that I have been using was playing up at the time and kept crashing when I was at crucial moments so the task took me a lot longer than it should have. On top of that it took me a long time to understand exactly what I had to do and how it could be achieved. I would then get some parts right but I then wouldn’t be able to read the answer. Eventually after some help from fellow classmates I was able to complete the task. After finishing the task I have come to the conclusion that I can understand why ftp is not as big as the http and is not as well known. Although if I had of completed the task with no problems I think my view would differ. In relation to the concept linked to this task ti is interesting to think of ftp as fetching and not delivering. Ftp creates a whole other dimension in Internet communication. In http it is right in saying that information is delivered and retrieved. Whereas it is solely up to the user to access the information they want. The only downfall that I see with it is if you do not know the specific names and avenues to go down it can be very hard to find the information needed. In saying that it is probably only those that know that information that will be using ftp.

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